One of the most iconic villains to pounce on Gotham City, Catwoman made her television debut on the 1966 Batman Classic TV Series. This Christmas tree ornament depicts Batman’s purr-fectly graceful arch-nemesis in her sleek, shimmering black bodysuit with cat ears from Eartha Kitt’s appearance in the third season of the series. Glistening metallic gold accents adorn her claws, belt and the medallion around her neck.
- Artist crafted by Kristina Gaughran, this Keepsake Ornament comes pre-packaged in a box for easy gift giving, preservation and storage.
- Dated 2021 in copyright.
- Limited quantity, first available at 2021 Keepsake Ornament Debut event.
- Plastic Christmas tree ornament measures 2″ W x 4.37″ H x 1.62″ D
- QXE3215